
The Manaus Declaration on Human Rigths in the Climate Emergency

After the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) held hearings for its climate Advisory Opinion, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, communities, and civil society united to create the Manaus Declaration on Human Rights in the Climate Emergency. This Declaration calls on the Court to articulate minimum standards for safeguarding human rights in the context of the climate crisis.

The Manaus Declaration on Human Rights in the Climate Emergency was presented to the Court by nearly 400 Indigenous Peoples, communities, and civil society actors on August 20, 2024, urging it to clarify what human rights law requires of States to protect people and the environment from the most pressing crisis of our time. 

The declaration aims for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to strengthen international climate justice and guide policies toward sustainable practices. It urges the Court to adopt the strongest possible Advisory Opinion to influence future-related legal frameworks. 

La voz de CANLA

La Voz de CANLA al cierre de la COP29

La COP29 deja un panorama desalentador para la acción climática global. Pese a esfuerzos, no hubo acuerdos sustanciales en transición justa ni financiamiento suficiente para

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Posicionamiento de CANLA en la COP29

América Latina enfrenta impactos climáticos crecientes que amenazan los derechos humanos, la biodiversidad y los medios de vida de millones de personas, especialmente de comunidades

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